MPOX-PROBE project supported the training on Luminex® technology, that took place at the Christophe Mérieux Infectious Diseases Research Center (CeRMI-CM) of the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research (FCRM Brazzaville – Congo). The event lasted 5 days and brought together a total of 8 students from Republic of Congo (RoC) and DRC.
The participants followed an alternation of theoretical and practical sessions:
- Theory : understanding the fundamentals of Luminex® technology, multiplex detection as well as an understanding of the protocol in general.
- Practice : handling equipment, preparing samples and buffers, performing tests, and analyzing the data obtained.
The samples used during the training came from human plasmas collected in the villages of Makotimpoko and Mossaka. These samples were collected as part of the MPOX-PROBE project.
Samples were analyzed using Luminex® technology following a standardized protocol designed for multiplex detection of antibodies to Mpox virus-specific antigens (MPXV).
This training allowed the students to acquire practical and theoretical skills essential to master the Luminex® technology in the detection of antibodies against the Mpox virus. They learned how to prepare samples and dilution buffers, and how to perform the washing, incubation, and detection steps accurately. The experiment conducted allowed them to become familiar with using MagPix® equipment to read the results and interpret median fluorescence (MFI) values to determine the presence of antibodies.
Beyond the technical aspects, this training highlighted the importance of using positive and negative controls to validate the procedure and guarantee the reliability of the results. The experience gained during this training gave the participants an in-depth overview of multiplex detection and associated best practices.

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